It is such a relief
having lost you.
You called me today
while I was flirting
with another high
school romance,
they had a dragonfly
tattoo. Lifetimes ago
you wanted us
to fuck on your windowsill
so long as you were
facing it. The world could see
your face and my
body being fucked. There is
no gentle in you
the way there is in a
dragonfly tattoo, the way
sweet bodies lean
into each other in between
the aisles of a bookstore, the way the
snow fell on my windowsill
this morning. When I woke up
alone in my body,
your parasite cast aside
while I slept gently and warm.
Frances Sharples is a junior English major at SUNY Geneseo and the editor-in-chief of The Lamron and Iris Magazine. Despite their overcommitment to and enthusiasm regarding a ridiculous number of things, it could be argued that all they truly care about is snacks, Wordle, and Dora Jar.