There once were three orphaned organs
that needed new homes
Two monkeys sit side by side, restrained
Good, he thinks
They will be of use
Heart, Kidney, and the Lungs
Kidney and the Lungs are placed in SCS for two days
Heart only has four hours,
maybe six depending on good behavior
Monkey 1 is aggravated
Monkey 2 is frightened
Both just as easily succumb to the anesthesia
Heart is then given a new home in Victor
Heart loves Victor, and Victor loves Heart
Tubes connect Monkey 2 to Monkey 1
Nourishing Monkey 1’s body and so/mi;ul/nd
Kidney and the Lungs reach day two
Kidney’s new home is Frank, the Lungs get Elizabeth
A scalpel separates the skin, arteries, nerves, and bone
That connect the monkey’s heads to their bodies
Monkey 2 dies in order to satiate Monkey 1’s brain
Victor’s heart now beats steady as a rock
Frank doesn’t have to worry where his waste goes
Elizabeth can breathe easier than ever
Monkey 1’s head is placed upon Monkey 2’s body
They wait for Monkey 1 to regain consciousness
When he awakes he is aggravated just as he was before
Monkey 1 cannot move Monkey 2’s body
Monkey 1 is put down
It was the ethical thing to do
What perfect pairs they make.
Bryce Levac is a creative writing major with a minor in English. He’s currently in his senior year at SUNY Oswego and plans on graduating in the spring of 2023. Along with writing, his interests include comic books, movies and video games.