[anne poem #1]
Anne loved with deer hooves
in her stomach; since the country-
side she knew her first sex
had been stolen away; she loved
with flies circling her stomach;
a miniature death all over again,
looking at him.
She was thrust into the country-
side & there were the dogs bark-
ing with clenched teeth, & the shatt-
ered mornings during which she
was the only one awake.
The boys asked of her, in the orch-
ards, when o when will you
touch me & she could not help
it, when o when will you hold
my softest breasts—I am tired but I
am ready!
Loisa Fenichell is a SUNY Purchase student with a double major in creative writing and literature. She is passionate about Tetris, mythologies, and her phone’s flashlight feature